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I could not support the idea of the possibility of his staring over my shoulder upon my translation of the Haik Esop, and, dissatisfied with my attempts, treating me as he had treated the Moldavian clerk; placing myself in a position which exposed me to such treatment would indeed be plunging into the fire after escaping from the frying-pan.

But a number of the Fables, having been for a long time on exhibition, had become quite tame, and walked about conversing so amiably that the youngest children felt no apprehension. It was while Mr. Esop was engaged in attaching the Morals to the Fables that Miss Muffet caught sight for the first time of Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. Mr.

That's one thing I don't like about Mr. Esop. He isn't quite fair, and he is always accusing them of Folly." "It's remarkable how small the world is, after all," said the pleasant gentleman, when more than a score of persons told him that the Wild Animals he had known were among their most intimate acquaintances, and that they had met them under a great many different circumstances.

"I have a plan," said the Armenian; "I think I can employ you agreeably and profitably; I should like to see Z in an English dress; you shall translate Z . If you can read the Scriptures in Armenian, you can translate Z . He is our Esop, the most acute and clever of all our moral writers his philosophy " "I will have nothing to do with him," said I. "Wherefore?" said the Armenian.

Every one cannot indeed be an Adonis, but it is his own fault if he is an Esop. If you have bad, squinting eyes, which have lost their lashes and are bordered with red, you should wear spectacles. If the defect be great, your glasses should be coloured.

"Who is he?" said the man. "Esop?" "No, I know what that is, Esop's cant for a hunchback; but t'other?" "You should know," said I. "Never saw the man in all my life." "Yes, you have," said I, "and felt him too; don't you remember the individual from whom you took the pocket-book?"