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On the other hand, there was the possibility that the Duma might be captured and made a safe ally. The suffrage upon which the elections were to be based was most undemocratic and unjust, giving to the landlords and the prosperous peasants, together with the wealthy classes in the cities, an enormous preponderance in the electorate.

"But a lot promised they'd vote for you, didn't they, John?" persisted the postmaster, Sigsbee Ray, with a wink of humorous confidence at the others. "Yep, but damme, who expects anybody to keep an election promise if he ain't paid for it? I ain't unreasonable. What's elections for? You wait." "Haven't you given up yet, John?" "Well, I guess not. You wait."

There were the usual hearty proceedings which we associate with the elections of that period at the hustings on Parker's Piece, Cambridge; Captain Yorke was escorted by a body of freeholders on horseback, and there was the customary cheerful fighting to celebrate the conclusion of the poll. This resulted in the captain's defeat. He was not long excluded from Parliament.

"Yes; the individual should pay in proportion to the property protected." "An Old Age Pension scheme?" "Yes, but only by means of compulsory insurance applicable to all classes without exception." "Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Church?" "Yes, provided its funds are pooled and reapplied to Church purposes." "Payment of members and placing the cost of elections on the rates?"

A comparison with the House in respect to nearness to the people. g. Qualifications for membership. Elections for senators and representatives: a. Times, places, and manner of holding elections. b. The power of Congress over state regulations. c. Electoral districts. d. The temptation to unfairness in laying out electoral districts. e. "Gerrymandering." g. Representatives at large. h.

"No need for any further concealment on my part, so far as elections are concerned," said I, when we had finished our laugh, "for I go out of office January first, next." "Oh, well, that accounts for it, then," said he. Which is yours?" "Post-convention, I'm sorry to say. I wish it had been voluntary." "It is the cheapest; but you're in great luck not to get licked at the polls.

Governor Morton had a Democratic Council, but they were not agreed in policy and the administration lost strength even with Democrats. Its defeat in the autumn was inevitable, and Gov. Morton ceased to be a candidate for an office that he had sought in twenty elections and gained in two. With others I lost confidence in his ability, but that confidence I afterwards regained.

Therefore, the Ministry found, as the elections went on, that they had not merely all the reformers against them, but that a certain proportion of those who, in the ordinary condition of things, would have been their supporters were estranged from them merely because they had, under whatever pressure, consented to introduce any manner of reform.

The effect of Sacheverell's clause, therefore, was to make some thousands of the most opulent and highly considered men in the kingdom incapable, during seven years, of bearing any part in the government of the places in which they resided, and to secure to the Whig party, during seven years, an overwhelming influence in borough elections.

This is their story at all elections and election meetings, and told in many instances with effect." In this period of danger, when the country was on the verge of war, the attitude of the opposition gave Washington much food for thought because it appeared to him so false and unpatriotic.