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But from this fellow's dispatch to Hugh, he certainly intended to go out and see Edson at Bay Ridge. Now, did he start in good faith? I must set some good outside detectives at work on that. "Then this dispatch to Alice, I wonder if she had still left a sneaking fondness for him! Who can read a woman's heart? It's like judging the depth of water by its smoothness: all mere conjecture.

Edson called upon the Major on the Wednesday and the Second and the parlours were as friendly as could be wished. The three months paid for had run out and we had got without any fresh overtures as to payment into May my dear, when there came an obligation upon Mr.

"It strikes me as being excessively coarse!" "Oh! manifestly; quite rustic!" exclaimed Mr. Edson. "What can possibly be more vulgar?" added Mr. Walworth. "I never heard of such a thing among the right sort!" said Mr. Mosely. "A young lady who can be so brazen as to come into a room without a gentleman's arm to lean on, is, in my judgment at least, but indifferently educated, Hajji or no Hajji. Mr.

"I begs marster’s pardon berry much," said the negro, "but you see how I done toted all the taters you told me, and missis she ’vise me to ride Prince a leetle, ’case he’s gettin’ oneasy like when Miss Carline rides him." "Likely story," said Mr. Edson; "but for once you are in the way when I want you. You know where Mr. Middleton lives?" "Yes, marster, reckon I does."

The Executive Board, composed of the following members, Mrs. Simons, president; Mrs. Tolhurst, chairman of the Speakers' Committee; Mrs. Berthold Baruch, of the Meetings Committee; Miss Louise Carr, Literature; Mrs. Edson, Organization; Mrs. Martha Nelson McCan, Press; Mrs.