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Your ancient creed, once faith's sustaining lever, The loved who erst prayed with you now may never? "Has not ambition's paean Some power within your hearts to wake anew To deeds of higher emprise worthier you, Ye monkish men, Than may be reaped from fields? Do ye not rue The drone-like course of life ye now pursue?

She saw one girl, bespectacled, hard, flashy, pushed to the bar, and suddenly heard her voice rise shrill and human above the drone-like buzzing of the crowd. "You dirty liar; I'll slap yer face if yer say that again!" A moment later she was discharged, pushed through the little gateway, and came tripping by Myra, shouting shrilly: "I'll make charges against him I'll break him I will!"

She had fully expected to pass by daylight through the Empire State, and she had thought with how much delight her eye would rest upon the grassy meadows, the fertile plains, the winding Mohawk, the drone-like boats on the canal, the beautiful Cayuga, and the silvery water so famed in song; but, in contrast to all this, she was shut up in a dingy car, whose one dim lamp sent forth a sickly ray and sicklier smell, while without all was gloomy, dark, and drear.

She raised her hand high; her voice came clear, sharp, real, rising above the drone-like noise of the court. "I swear it is not true. I never struck him. He struck me!" The magistrate's face reddened, a vein on his forehead swelled up, and he leaned toward Rhona. "What you say, young lady" there was a touch of passion in his voice "doesn't count. Understand?

And when his other lusts, amid clouds of incense and perfumes and garlands and wines, and all the pleasures of a dissolute life, now let loose, come buzzing around him, nourishing to the utmost the sting of desire which they implant in his drone-like nature, then at last this lord of the soul, having Madness for the captain of his guard, breaks out into a frenzy: and if he finds in himself any good opinions or appetites in process of formation, and there is in him any sense of shame remaining, to these better principles he puts an end, and casts them forth until he has purged away temperance and brought in madness to the full.