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But he had spoken to her alone, and had said that people ha people in an exalted position, my dear, must scrupulously exact respect from their dependents; and that for her, his daughter, Miss Amy Dorrit, of the sole remaining branch of the Dorrits of Dorsetshire, to be known to hum to occupy herself in fulfilling the functions of ha hum a valet, would be incompatible with that respect.

I little thought, sir, when I told you you were not of the Clennams of Cornwall, that I was ever going to tell you who were of the Dorrits of Dorsetshire. He then went on to detail. How, having that name recorded in his note-book, he was first attracted by the name alone.

The nondescript replied in encouraging terms, and brought him to a coffee-shop in the street within a stone's throw. 'Do you know Miss Dorrit? asked the new client. The nondescript knew two Miss Dorrits; one who was born inside That was the one! That was the one? The nondescript had known her many years.

The Dorrits go wandering for no particular reason on the Continent of Europe, just as young Martin Chuzzlewit went wandering for no particular reason on the continent of America. The story of Little Dorrit stops and lingers at the doors of the Circumlocution Office much in the same way that the story of Samuel Pickwick stops and lingers in the political excitement of Eatanswill.

III. The Marshalsea Becomes an Orphan It turned out that Mr. Dorrit, being of the Dorrits of Dorsetshire, was heir-at-law to a great fortune. Inquiries and investigations confirmed it. Arthur Clennam broke the news to Little Dorrit, and together they went to the, Marshalsea. William Dorrit was sitting in his old grey gown and his old black cap in the sunlight by the window when they entered.

He was lodged in the top story but one, in the very same room where his son afterwards put the Dorrits. It's a queer thing to know that a book-writer can imprison folks without a warrant and even kill them and yet go unpunished which thought was suggested to me by my philosophic guide.

The family of the Dorrits languished in quite another place from the original Marshalsea of Wither's time, although that also lay across the water in Southwark. It is said that the prison was used for the confinement of persons who had spoken lewdly of dignitaries about the Court. Wither, as we shall see, makes a great parade of telling us why he was imprisoned; but his language is obscure.

I had no idea the rightful owner would come back so soon, nor had I any idea that he had come back, or I should have hastened to make restoration of my ill-gotten chamber, and to have offered my explanation and apology. I trust in saying this For a moment the lady, with a glass at her eye, stood transfixed and speechless before the two Miss Dorrits.