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Updated: January 2, 2025

The discoveries certainly were accorded attention enough. Peter was well known. Men were perfectly sure of his veracity and his mining instinct. If Peter said there existed a good lode of the stuff he exhibited to them, that settled it. "Hum," said a man named Squint-eye Dobs, after examining a bit of the transparent crystal through which small kernels of yellow metal shone.

But of this quartette, the master was not only the most important, but the most worthy of description; and as he will often appear in the pages of my narrative, long after my education was complete, I shall be very particular in my description of Dominie Dobiensis, as he delighted to be called, or Dreary Dobs, as his dutiful scholars delighted to call him.

My letter of yesterday has been detained with the hope that some intelligence might be added to it; but I will send it this morning, and if it is possible to obtain from the Admiral some hour's conversation with Captains Dobs and Shaw I shall to-morrow morning dispatch another express.

I am going this evening to fix plans with Pilots, and also to speak of the entrance of the harbour. Dobs and Shaw are here, and I will have a full conversation with them and the Admiral, both for the entrance of the harbour and the navigation of the Sound. To-morrow I call, with as much secrecy as possible, a number of Pilots for the harbour of Halifax and River St. Laurence.

Swallows had made their nests in the peak of the roof, and their droppings made white dobs and blotches on the floorboards in the alley between the bunks, where a few patches of yellow grass had not yet been completely crushed away by footsteps. Now that the shack was empty, Chrisfield could hear plainly the peep-peep of the little swallows in their mud nests.

"Drummond disagreeable people by no means obliging. I shall certainly change to your house when my accounts are better worth keeping." "You do me great great honour; I will just step step step out for a moment and and speak to Mr. Dobs; not but what you may depend on. Excuse me! 'Morning Chron-chron-Chronicle, my lord!" Mr.

"My dunderfunk, sir as elegant a dish of dunderfunk as you ever see, sir they stole it, sir!" "Go forward, you rascal!" cried the Lieutenant, in a towering rage, "or else stop your whining. Tell me, what's the matter?" "Why, sir, them 'ere two fellows, Dobs and Hodnose, stole my dunderfunk." "Once more, sir, I ask what that dundledunk is? Speak!" "As cruel a nice "

"Drummond disagreeable people by no means obliging. I shall certainly change to your house when my accounts are better worth keeping." "You do me great great honour; I will just step step step out for a moment and and speak to Mr. Dobs; not but what you may depend on. Excuse me! 'Morning Chron-chron-Chronicle, my lord!" Mr.

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