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They made war, led armies in battle, raised money and spent it, and carried on the government as they pleased, without consulting the king. The "Do-nothings" had the title of king, but nothing more. In fact, they did not desire to have any business to do. The things they cared for were dogs, horses and sport. One of the most famous of the mayors was a man named Pep'in.

So hewed they, and smote amain until their brows shone moist and their breaths waxed short; whereat Beltane mocked them, saying: "Ha sweat ye, forsooth? Do ye puff so soon? This cometh of foul eating and fouler life. Off off! ye beefy do-nothings! An ye would be worthy fighters, eat less and bathe ye more!"

I had one experience with this functionary, who, I am happy to say, has since been relieved of his position and shelved among the do-nothings of the Russian senate, which showed me what he was. Two American ladies of the best breeding and culture, and bearing the most satisfactory letters of introduction, had been staying in St.

In fact, he felt ill for at least an hour after, and renounced forever the "pleasure of a habit, which," said he, "is only good to enable do-nothings to kill time."

To this sense of shame and guilt was added an unconquerable feeling of loathing and horror. He knew that, placed in a position such as theirs, they could not be other than they were, and yet he was unable to stifle his disgust. "It's well for them do-nothings," Nekhludoff heard some one say in a hoarse voice as he approached the room of the political prisoners.

Desperate, apparently reckless temerity on the battle-field was deliberately indulged in, that the world might be brought to recognise a hero and chieftain in a King. The do-nothings of the Merovingian line had been succeeded by the Pepins; to the effete Carlovingians had come a Capet; to the impotent Valois should come a worthier descendant of St. Louis.

Vagabonds, idlers, and do-nothings, such as must be in every community, were caught up by the authorities and made to earn their bread. The devil's pillow, idleness, was smoothed for no portion of the population. There were no beggars, few paupers, no insolently luxurious and ostentatiously idle class.

'Nothing whatsoever, except the fact of his own existence, Harry answered with a laugh. 'He has conscientious scruples against the existence of idle people in the community do-nothings and eat-alls and therefore he has conscientious scruples against himself for not immediately committing suicide.

Love, the leveler, had conquered me. "Do you work?" Brauner broke in. "What are your prospects? What have you got? What's your character? Have you any respectable friends who can vouch for you? You've wandered into the wrong part of town. Down here we don't give our daughters to strangers or do-nothings or rascals. We believe in love yes. But we also have a little common sense and self-respect."

Moreover, the Carlovingian race had been exhausted by producing a race of heroes like the Pepins and the Charleses. The family became, soon, as contemptible as the ox-drawn, long-haired "do-nothings" whom it had expelled; but it is not our task to describe the fortunes of the Emperor's ignoble descendants.