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Say hisse'f: 'Pitty soon I getta discoulagement. Two mont's maw getta deglade, getta disglace! I doan' know I ki' hisse'f! "One day was stag' 'long load; getta 'mos' exhaus'. Bofe sides load was high heels, no house. Kep' on, on; semma heels; semma no house; mus' lie down in load wifout any subber, wifout any dlink. Dissa magistrate begin getta desplate.

Supere court send word, 'You doan' fine who mudder in six mont's deglade yo' lank. Dissa China way to mek law. "We', dissa magistrate, whatta he do? Doan' like getta deglade; dissa spoi' his whole life. Say hisse'f: 'I vay detest to get deglade. Mus' go mek detectif fine who mudder. Nex' day left his court, and go mek long trivvle ole dress up like a fortune-tayer." "Like a fortune-teller?"

Then he says: "Missa Gordon, I tay you how about Gaw convert China clilimal?" "How God converted a Chinese criminal?" "Yeh. I tay you. Dissa case somma lika dis: "One tem was China highrob. His nem was Chan Tow. Live by rob on pubnic highway evely one he can. Dissa highrob live in place call Kan Suh.

Birgitta och himmelens Härskaror skalla kanske straffe mig hårfar? Men du vet det val, hjertans käraste att jag med fri vilja och uppsät aldrig dissa reglar samtykt. Mine foräldrer hafva väl min kropp i dette fangelset insatt, men hjertät kan intet snart från verlden ater kalles!" Nay, even in the mass itself thy comely face appears, and our affectionate intercourse recurs to me.

I letta dissa missiolary man ca'y me jusso far he can. So missiolary man stag' long tem 'long load, an' kep' sweat, sweat semma lika glass ice-wadder; an' Chan Tow kep' gloan semma like ole barn daw." "Chan Tow kept groaning like an old barn door, and the missionary man kept perspiring like a glass of ice-water?" "Oh, no! Missiolary man sweat.

No one shee any horse-carry-chair-man. No one shee any Jan. No maw! "Nex' morning come fadder-mudder-in-'aw to congratchnate dissa daughter. Said, 'We vay denight, vay gnad, yo' husban' come home. Where he is dissa morning? Daughter look vay supp'ise. Said, 'When you shee my husban' come home? Parents said: 'Why, my de-ah daughter, yo' husban' pass by my daw las' night.

Nen he say: 'We', we'! You good dea' maw wise dissa magistrate Tsan Ran Foo. I hea' he was deglade his rank. Cannot fine who mudder! "Chan Tow say: 'Dissa magistrate mus' come fine me. No one ess can tay him. I tay you ole about dissa mudder.