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Her pride even prevented Hilary from really knowing what had spoiled his married life this ungovernable itch to be appreciated, governed by ungovernable pride. Hundreds of times he had been baffled by the hedge round that disharmonic nature. With each failure something had shrivelled in him, till the very roots of his affection had dried up.

In that dim continual journey she was like a disharmonic spirit traversing the air above where its body lies. The door creaked behind her. A voice said sharply: "What are you doing in this house?" Mr. Stone was standing beside the bust of Socrates. Bianca went up to him. "Father!" Mr. Stone stared. "It is you! I thought it was a thief! Where is Hilary?" "Gone away." "Alone?"

Why was she for ever mocking herself, himself, and every other thing? Why was she so hard to her own life, so bitter a foe to her own happiness? Leonardo da Vinci might have painted her, less sensual and cruel than his women, more restless and disharmonic, but physically, spiritually enticing, and, by her refusals to surrender either to her spirit or her senses, baffling her own enticements.

Moving, or motionless, now distinct, then covered suddenly by the thick veil of some material object, they circled round her quiet figure, lying back in the chair with shut eyes. These disharmonic shadows flitting in the room made a stir like the rubbing of dry straw or the hum of bees among clover stalks.

Out of this speculation, which was bitter as the taste of aloes, there came to her a craving for some palliative, some sweetness, some expression of that instinct of fellow-feeling deep in each human breast, however disharmonic. But even with that craving was mingled the itch to justify herself, and prove that she could rise above jealousy. She made her way to the little model's lodging.