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I don't know what kind of horror stories you may have heard about Pyrrus but they're all true. That's a nice looking heat ray you have there, but I doubt if you could move fast enough to use it." The figure lowered the gun and fumbled for a switch on the front of the space armor, it clicked and a speaker diaphragm rustled. "I'm looking for a man called Jason dinAlt.

Illustrated by John Schoenherr All nature is but art, unknown to thee; All chance, direction which thou canst not see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good: And, spite of pride, in erring reasons spite, One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right. Alexander Pope Essay on Man I Jason dinAlt looked unhappily at the two stretchers as they were carried by.

Red-eyed and exhausted Jason and Mikah supervised the soggy sinking and when the D'zertanoj returned at dawn the engine rested safely in a pool of mud on the bottom of the pit: the hood was off. "They're tricky devils over there in Appsala, but Jason dinAlt wasn't born yesterday," he exulted.

He half-turned his head and spoke in a quieter voice to the suited figure behind him. "Now you see where you stand. Lower the gun and get back into your ship, I guarantee you'll stay alive if you do that at once." "Don't try and buff me, dinAlt," the maser barrel pushed harder against his back. "You are my prisoner and your friends can't save you.

The Jason dinAlt fan club meeting is now adjourned." He reached his hand over his shoulder and patted himself on the back. "Monster of arrogance," Mikah bellowed. "Oh, shut up." "Pride goeth before a fall! You are a maledicent and idolatrous antipietist...." "Very good."

Yet he couldn't imagine any of them going to the trouble of following him here. And certainly there could be very little danger from a spacesuited man with a rifle, not to the man who had learned to take Pyrrus on its own terms, and live. "I'm Jason dinAlt," he said. "What do you want me for?" "I've come a long way to find you," the speaker rasped. "Now" the gloved hand pointed "what is THAT?"