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While the rest are taking leave Baron de Bach bows to me with his glass of Rhine wine held out to touch mine. With a comparatively serene face he mutters: "You talk to efery one but me; I vould like to shoot dhem all." "It mightn't do," I say, "even in Mexico." He turns away with a frown between his fine, straight brows. "Madame, vill you and Señorita come to drive?

A brief but animated conversation at once ensued, at the end of which Jantje turned to his employers and explained: "Dhese people say, sars, dat dhere is four, five lion in de bush yander and dhey won' go 'way, and dhey wan' to know if white gent'men be so kind as to kill dhem lion; because if dhey not be killed dhey kill de poor Kafirs' cattle.

Two day ago dhem lion kill two oxen and mos' horrible maul de boy dat was herding dhem." "Phew! lions, eh?" exclaimed Grosvenor. "I say, Maitland, this is good news, eh, what? I am longing for the chance to have a pot at a lion. All right, Jantje; you tell them that we will kill the lions for them with the greatest of pleasure. We'll outspan at once and set about the business forthwith.

He can get though a slash of fallen timber more easily than a sentence full of "this" and "that." Sometimes he expresses his meaning queerly. He was telling me once about his farm, "not far off here, in dhe Riviere au Cochon, river of dhe pig, you call 'im. H'I am a widow, got five sons, t'ree of dhem are girls."

And vhen dhey had surrendered he exchanged dhem to Matadi for slaves t'ree slaves for every white man so dat Matadi might have plenty of victims white victims dhey consider very good for de annual de annual what you call it, eh? festa." "Festival, I suppose you mean," said I, with an involuntary shudder. "And, pray, Senor Lobo, do you happen to know the date of this festival?"