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After that, place the beef on an oval dish; keep it hot; stir two tablespoonfuls of demi-glaze into the vegetables and let it boil up. Cut some slices of the beef, and strain the sauce over all. Braise a tongue with two glasses of Madeira, one carrot, one onion, thyme, bay-leaf, for two hours.

Take seven tomatoes cut in pieces, four carrots cut in two and three in four, about one-half inch long, ten smallish onions, and braise them all together; then add two large table- spoonfuls of demi-glaze, some salt and pepper. Serve all very hot on an oval dish. Braised tongue eats very well with spinach, carrots or sorrel.

With the bones and trimmings of the above, a good stock should be made without vegetables, well reduced and skimmed, to form a very strong transparent demi-glaze; six-pound canisters should be filled with the same, bearing a special mark, and one of these allowed to every dozen of the others.

This demi-glaze, when diluted in water, would make six gallons of very good broth, with which any kind of soup could be made in a very short time. He also points out how the condition of the preserved meat may be guessed by the external appearance of the canister.

Take a piece of veal suitable for roasting, and put it in vinegar for twenty-four hours. Roast it with butter, pepper and salt, with a few slices of onion. Baste it well, and when it is finished crush the onions in the gravy and add some cream. Mix together with flour so as to thicken. This is the demi-glaze Sauce which is used for all brown Sauces.

Dish up, and rinse the pot with a little stock, and pour it on the meat ready to serve. Take a calf's liver, lard it with fat bacon, braise it with the bourgeoise garnish carrots and turnips. After it is cooked and dished, stir some demi-glaze into the sauce, pour it on to the meat and garnish with potatoes chateau.

Take some slices of loin of veal, fry them in butter, with pepper and salt, for twenty minutes. Take two spoonfuls of demi-glaze and heat it with some mushrooms and a little madeira. Put the mushrooms and sauce on each slice and sprinkle chopped parsley over all. This can also be done with fines herbes, mushrooms, chervil and parsley, chopped before cooking them in the butter.