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But in my then romantic state of mind, what more easily believed than that he had deliberately removed himself out of our lives and in a way to make it appear that he was dead? As we did, he knew we would at once enter into the enjoyment of the wealth left by old Mr. Darringford. There would be no material suffering caused by his dropping out of sight.

If worse came to worse, I could always write to Lawyer Hounsditch whom I believed would never see my mother cheated. But now and God only knew for how long a time it was beyond my power to do a single thing toward guarding my mother from Chester Downes. How I wish I had taken the old attorney of the Darringford Estate into my confidence before this time!

At first they had thought I had run away. I could guess mighty easily who suggested that idea! She did not write much of Mr. Chester Downes; but she did mention the fact that when she had returned to Darringford House Mr.

I don't wish to say aught against the dead, sir," said Ham, "but if ever there was a cantankerous old curmudgeon on the face of this footstool, it was Simon Darringford! That was your grandfather." "I know," said I, nodding. "He did not like my father." "He hated him.

Ham, too, had sounded the ne'er-do-wells who were my cousin's companions, and after the house on the Neck was closed for the season, and the Downeses had departed with my mother for Darringford House, the old coachman had obtained a confession from the young scoundrels to the effect that they had helped Paul nail me into my cabin and had seen him cut the Wavecrest adrift.

Of all the people who worked for mother about the Bolderhead cottage, I knew that Ham would take my part against the Downeses. Ham and I were old cronies. And I believed that I could thank Ham for the butler's espousal of my cause on this present occasion. Ham had a deal of influence with the other servants, having been with us before mother was willed the great Darringford property.