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Bethink thee ever of thine honor and of that of Venice," he admonished his sister many times during the weeks of preparation that followed upon the Queen's decision; whatever the detail under consideration and few escaped his vigilance he was inflexible, and her opposition could not go beyond his announcement: "It is the will of Venice."

What bearing will all this have upon the Negro's place in the South, as a citizen and in the enjoyment of the privileges which our government confers? To state in detail just what place the black man will occupy in the South as a citizen, when he has developed in the direction named, is beyond the wisdom of any one.

"Then why should I use it?" His glance drifted slowly away from hers. He lit a cigarette with much attention to detail. "Why should I use perfume I don't like?" persisted she. "What's the use of going into that?" said he. "But I do like it in a way," she went on after a pause. "It is it seems to me the odor of myself." "Yes it is," he admitted. She laughed. "Yet you made a wry face." "I did."

When Mr. Hooley, megaphone in hand and stationed with the two cameras on one of the decked-over barges, had got his company in position and the action was begun, it was indeed an impressive picture. Of course, a scene is not made off-hand not even an outdoor pageant like this. The detail must be done over and over again before the cranks of the cameras are turned. It was almost noon before Mr.

Before I continue this subject further, I shall give you another exercise, with the object of making a closer resemblance to natural forms, bearing in mind the while all that has been said about a sparing use of minute detail with reference to its visible effect.

Then he viewed the scheme in general outline and in remote detail. It was very simple. Lizzie had been to Shoreham, and had taken Kitty away with her; he had been sent to Stanton College to beg John Norton to return to Thornby Place, and to say what he could in favour of marriage generally. This was very compromising. He had been deceived; Lizzie had deceived him.

Somewhat to her surprise, he sketched his facts in lightly, but dwelt strongly on the mental and moral necessities his situation forced on him. He related with some detail the formation of his creed of conduct in the dawn on Lake Champlain, and showed her that according to its tenets he was permitted a kind of action that in other men might be reprehensible.

I left it in the hands of the city authorities; it contains my name, age, profession, domicile, and every detail " With an angry gesture, M. de Clameran interrupted him. "You have just committed a gross insult!" "I, my lord doge?" "Yes, you! What do you mean by telling this abominable story in this house?" "Abominable!

"But what can we do?" will be the next question, uttered perhaps in the forlorn accents of a latent despair. Before answering this question in detail, I would endeavor to impress two cardinal points upon you.

It is unnecessary to detail the ingenuity with which they went about it, because, in consequence of Kavanagh's love of drink, very little ingenuity was necessary. One circumstance, however, came to light, which gave them much encouragement, and that was a discovery that Mat by no means relished his situation.