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"If I'd ever hed a chance to learn that they wa'n't no difference between them figgers, and hedn't knowed, she could'a smiled. But I I ain't hed my chance yit!" He swung around and stumbled blindly up the steps and groped his way upstairs. Caleb stood there for a long time, motionless, and the one thought uppermost in his mind was that Steve, like Allison, was scarcely woman-wise.

"I've got between seven and eight thousand a year clear, of my own, outside the salary. That much is mine whether I work or not." "It is? You could'a pulled it out without me, I suppose you think, at your age?" "No. But it's mine, and it's enough." "My Lord! It's about what a Congressman gets, and you want to quit there!

Where'd you say?" "Right here," and Aunt Abby pointed to a place on the rug near the head of her bed. It was a narrow bed, which had been brought there for her during her stay. "Huh! Now you could'a dropped it there?" "I know," and Aunt Abby whispered, "Nobody'll believe me, but I know!" "You do! Say, you're some wiz! Spill it to me, there's a dear!"

I could'a slep' on de trun'le bed, but it was so easy jes to roll over an' blow dem ashes an' mek dat fire burn. "Ole Miss was so good, I'd do anything fer her. She was so good an' weighed' round 200 poun's. She was Marse Bob's secon' wife. Nobody 'posed on me, No, Sir!