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Meantime the pope and the king, who were much perplexed, and the bishop, who was completely baffled by the logic, strength and force of appeal of the "Concile," were obliged to withdraw the opposition, and the chanoinesses were left in peace to marry or not to marry, as they pleased.

The different members of this concile impromptu declared themselves in favour of this advice, much to the grief and chagrin of the princess Adelaide. She easily perceived by this proposition that the court would very shortly change masters, and could she hope to preserve the same influence during the reign of her nephew she had managed to obtain whilst her father held the sceptre?

The council could not be brought together for a year, but on the 1st of May, 821, Hiltrude inaugurated her "Concile de Femmes." She took advantage of the marriage of Count d'Albion with Regina, which was to take place at the abbey. Regina was a chanoinesse, and it was the custom when a member of the circle at the abbey married, that the marriage should be solemnized at Nivelle.

Certes ce n'est pas sous la domination de Cesar qu'on pourroit aller chercher l'Epouse legitime de J. C. Mais doit-on esperer la trouver dans la creation combinee de la volonte tyrannique de Henri VIII. et de la politique d'Elisabeth, tandis que la Doctrine comme la Discipline du Concile de Trente ne vous laisse rien a desirer, et conquiert deja vos suffrages?...

The different members of this <concile impromptu> declared themselves in favour of this advice, much to the grief and chagrin of the princess Adelaide. She easily perceived by this proposition that the court would very shortly change masters, and could she hope to preserve the same influence during the reign of her nephew she had managed to obtain whilst her father held the sceptre?

It is no shame at all accompted to defile Anothers bedde, they, make no care their follies to concile, Is not the meanest man in all the land but hee, To buy her painted colours doeth allow his wife a fee, Wherewith she deckes her selfe, and dies her tawnie skinne, She pranks and paints her smoakie face, both brow, lip, cheeke, and chinne.