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Can't be that in my case because I always give mine to a funny chap who knows he's going to have collywobbles as soon as he gets out into the open. But that isn't a bit what I mean. They're all wrong about it, because they make it turn on killing, and not on your chance of being killed.

The prefect was there again and it was his voice that was saying that he was to get up, that Father Minister had said he was to get up and dress and go to the infirmary. And while he was dressing himself as quickly as he could the prefect said: We must pack off to Brother Michael because we have the collywobbles! He was very decent to say that. That was all to make him laugh.

Within five minutes everybody aboard had the galloping collywobbles and the twittering jitters. Mike and his power crew all knew what to do. They took their stations and started to work. They had barely started when Captain Quill's voice came over the intercom. "Power Section, this is the bridge. How long before we stop this beat note?"

'Oh! with immense languor 'fust class; and is your royal 'ighness quite well? 'I deeply regret, answered Liza, 'but my royal 'ighness 'as got the collywobbles. Sally was a small, thin girl, with sandy hair and blue eyes, and a very freckled complexion. She had an enormous mouth, with terrible, square teeth set wide apart, which looked as if they could masticate an iron bar.

I noticed Petersen and Evans looked indignant, too. We took it out by staring Driggs almost into the collywobbles. Who was he anyway, and why was he billy-goating around? Old Scroggs had called Martha. He sat and looked at us so peculiarly that I got gooseflesh all over.

By the Living Tinker, I should have thought that this siege life would have put iron into a man's blood instead of of Crème de Menthe. Are you takin' those dashed morphia tabloids of Taggart's for bad-water collywobbles again? Yes? I thought as much. Chuck 'em to the aasvogels; stick to your work you can't complain of its lackin' interest or variety and let this girl alone.

He made a rule of believing, on an average, about the half of what Ned said. To appear to pay attention to him would spur him on to more flagrant over-statements. "D'ye hear, Richard? Now's your chance," repeated Ned, not to be done. "A very different thing this, I can tell you, from running round dosing people for the collywobbles.