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"I was out with some of the crowd at the Midnight Revels the other night. We took in a show first, after a little dinner at a new place on Forty-third Street. We were quite a gay party. Georgie Cohan looked in about midnight and got off a good one about Willie Collier. Fred Stone could only stay a minute, but Doug. Fairbanks did all sorts of stunts and made us roar.

Georgie Cohan or Joe Weber could make their fortunes if they only hired the lawyers as actors or came into court for their material." Occasionally the judge calls the lawyers up to his desk and together they talk over something which the jury can not hear. The jury look as though they did not care. If they want to talk some more well, let them.

"How long were you at the front, buddy," asked Cohan coolly. "I guess you been to Berlin already, ain't yer?" "I say that any man who says an American'ld let himself be captured by a stinkin' Hun, is a goddam liar," said the man with the ill-shaven jaw, sitting down sullenly. "Well, you'd better not say it to me," said Cohan laughing, looking meditatively at one of his big red fists.

In the most perfunctory manner he shook the hand that has shaken the hands of Jess Willard, George M. Cohan and Henry Ford, and bade me be seated in a chair which was drawn up in a strong light, where he might gaze directly at me as we conversed and so get the full values of the composition. But if I was a treat for him to look at he concealed his feelings very effectually.

It's taking big chances even to move in these trousers. I had to tell her I've hurt my ankle. She keeps asking me when Cohan and Stone are going to turn up; and it's simply a question of time before she discovers that Stone is sitting two tables away. Something's got to be done, Bertie! You've got to think up some way of getting me out of this mess. It was you who got me into it." "Me!

She looked as if she might be deucedly dangerous if put upon; and something seemed to tell me that she would certainly regard herself as put upon if she ever found out the game which poor old Rocky had been pulling on her. "Good afternoon," I managed to say. "How do you do?" she said. "Mr. Cohan?" "Er no." "Mr. Fred Stone?" "Not absolutely. As a matter of fact, my name's Wooster Bertie Wooster."