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The Lord Chancellor now sits upon a bag of wool; but wool has long ceased to be emblematical of the staple commodity of England. He ought rather to sit upon a bag of coals, though it might not prove quite so comfortable a seat. Then think of the Lord Chancellor being addressed as the noble and learned lord on the coal-sack! I am afraid it wouldn’t answer, after all.”

The tailor displayed in his window a Lilliputian pair of leather gaiters, and a diminutive round frock, while each doorpost was appropriately garnished with a model of a coal-sack.

We noticed in the papers a week ago that he had succeeded his cousin." "Wait a minute, father. I have only come to my lacerated affections." "How slow you are! Your Aunt Mary does pound away. She has a touch as light as a coal-sack. The wonder to me is how she ever captured poor old Blore." "Perhaps she did it by letter. She writes uncommonly well.

This shows the advantage of English philosophy: our coal-heavers in the Thames toil as much, are nearly as naked, nearly as black, and probably drink more; but we never hear of their dying in a fit of rapture in the embrace of a coal-sack.

It does not, however, exercise the same weird attraction upon the eye as the southern ``Coal-sack, for instead of looking like an absolute void in the sky, it rather appears as if a canopy of dark gauze had been drawn over the stars. We shall see the possible significance of this appearance later.

"Madam" says he "I refer to Wozenham's lower down over the way Madam you can form no notion what Wozenham's is Madam it is a vast coal-sack, and Miss Wozenham has the principles and manners of a female heaver Madam from the manner in which I have heard her mention you I know she has no appreciation of a lady, and from the manner in which she has conducted herself towards me I know she has no appreciation of a gentleman Madam my name is Jackman should you require any other reference than what I have already said, I name the Bank of England perhaps you know it!"