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These cilia all lash the water in one direction, and so drive the little body along as if it were propelled by thousands of extremely minute paddles.

Here they keep up an inward and outward wave-like movement, which is quicker and has greater force in the outward direction. By this means the cilia are able to move small pieces of foreign matter, such as dust particles and bits of partly dried mucus, called phlegm, to places where they can be easily expelled from the lungs.

A second peculiarity of the male Crustacea consists not unfrequently in a more abundant development on the flagellum of the anterior antennae of delicate filaments which Spence Bate calls "auditory cilia," and which I have considered to be olfactory organs, as did Leydig before me, although I was not aware of it.

The boy cast angry glances at his mother from under his lowered lashes: that was horrid of her. He rose from the table full of suppressed wrath, and dragged his feet up the stairs to his room. He found the pictures of the saints that had been stuck into his drawer at once "With love from Cilia" and then he gave way to his fury and his grief.

The motile force is imparted to the gonidium by dense rows of waving cilia with which it is completely surrounded. Owing to their rapid vibration, it is almost impossible to distinguish them while the spore is in active motion, but their effect is very plainly seen on adding colored pigment particles to the water.

After a traumatic ophthalmitis of the left and sympathetic inflammation of the right eye in a boy of nine, Schenck observed that a group of cilia of the right upper lid and nearly all the lashes of the upper lid of the left eye, which had been enucleated, turned silvery-white in a short time. Ludwig has known the eyelashes to become white after small-pox.

He sits a long time with Cilia every evening; she hasn't much time for him during the day. A nice girl. You've been very fortunate there." She did not catch what he said, she was thinking the whole time how she would find him. Would he have grown very much? Have changed? Children at his age are said to change constantly had he grown ugly, or was he still so handsome?

The water thus drawn in, as well as the refuse from the food, is then driven out in the same manner. It is interesting to note that in the organisms of the higher animals, including man, there are numerous cilia performing offices in connection with nutrition, etc.

Delicate, hair-like filaments, not unlike the pile on velvet, called cilia, spring from the epithelial lining of the air tubes. Their constant wavy movement is always upwards and outwards, towards the mouth. Thus any excessive secretion, as of bronchitis or catarrh, is carried upwards, and finally expelled by coughing.

These cilia all lash the water in one direction, and so drive the little body along as if it were propelled by thousands of extremely minute paddles.