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Chromolithographs were cheap and popular people would rather buy a lithograph of some popular artist's picture than a nameless water-colour. If she liked to leave a couple of her sketches, he would try to dispose of them, but he could not buy them and giving her permanent employment was quite out of the question. "Do you know anything about engraving?" he asked. Clarissa shook her head sadly.

Mr Arthur Fernlee Markam, who took what was known as the Red House above the Mains of Crooken, was a London merchant, and being essentially a cockney, thought it necessary when he went for the summer holidays to Scotland to provide an entire rig-out as a Highland chieftain, as manifested in chromolithographs and on the music-hall stage.

The damp had patched the painting on the ceiling and disfigured the whitewashed walls, on which were hung a few pictures a lithograph of the Madonna di Custonaci, a cheap Crucifixion, a reproduction of the design for the monument to Vittorio Emmanuele in Rome, three shiny chromolithographs of English country scenes, representing the four seasons minus one, an absurd French engraving, Education Maternelle and S. Francesco da Paola, with a shell for holy water.

He described the Memlings at Bruges, the Botticellis at Florence and the Velasquezes in Spain averring in humorous exaggeration that beside a Velasquez most other paintings were little better than chromolithographs.

It is difficult for us to comprehend How human beings can possibly become so abjectly servile and spiritless as the lower-class Russians. But the terrors of the knout and Siberia are ever present before them. Cheap chromolithographs of Gregorian saints hang on the walls of the saloon, and with them are mingled fancy pictures of Tiflis and Baku cafe-chantant belles.

There was a great white wooden bedstead, by the bedside was a great Bible on a shelf, artificial flowers were on the mantelpiece, with photographs of the old man's two wives and eleven children and at the bottom of each photograph he had written the date of birth and death on the walls were framed texts and vile chromolithographs of Mozart and Beethoven.

On suspended shelves stood the books which she desired to have near her, and round about the walls hung prints, photographs, chromolithographs, selected in an honest spirit of admiration, which on the whole did no discredit to Nancy's sensibilities. To the best of Nancy's belief, her father had never seen this room. On its completion she invited him to inspect it, but Mr.