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'They rot as black as a chimney-crook if we keep 'em till the regulars turn in. As he spoke he went back to the press, Cytherea keeping at his elbow. 'I'm later than I should have been by rights, he continued, taking up a lever for propelling the screw, and beckoning to the men to come forward.

Yeobright's occasional assistant in the garden, and therefore one of the invited. The smoke went up from an Etna of peat in front of him, played round the notches of the chimney-crook, struck against the salt-box, and got lost among the flitches. Another part of the room soon riveted her gaze.

Why, on that particularly cleanly afternoon, he should have discovered that the chimney-crook and chain from which the hams were suspended should have possessed more merits and general interest as playthings than any other articles in the house, is a question for nursing mothers to decide.

Yeobright's occasional assistant in the garden, and therefore one of the invited. The smoke went up from an Etna of peat in front of him, played round the notches of the chimney-crook, struck against the saltbox, and got lost among the flitches. Another part of the room soon riveted her gaze.

Darton thought the coincidence must have a grisly meaning in it. Mrs. Hall welcomed the farmer with warm surprise, as did Sally, and for a moment they rather wanted words. 'Can you push up the chimney-crook for me, Mr Darton? the notches hitch, said the matron. He did it, and the homely little act bridged over the awkward consciousness that he had been a stranger for four years. Mrs.

The miller went about saying, 'David, the nine best glasses from the corner cupboard! 'David, the corkscrew! 'David, whisk the tail of thy smock-frock round the inside of these quart pots afore you draw drink in 'em they be an inch thick in dust! 'David, lower that chimney-crook a couple of notches that the flame may touch the bottom of the kettle, and light three more of the largest candles! 'If you can't get the cork out of the jar, David, bore a hole in the tub of Hollands that's buried under the scroff in the fuel-house; d'ye hear?