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When he is a jolly young officer in the Guards, and comes to see them at Brighton, they will show him the blue-dragon Chayny jar, on which he would sit, and which he cried so fearfully upon breaking. When this little party has gone out smiling to take its walk on the sea-shore, the Colonel sits down and resumes the interrupted dessert.

When he was a jolly young officer in the Guards, and came to see them at Brighton, they showed him the blue dragon Chayny jar on which he would sit, and over which he cried so fearfully upon breaking it.

Dere goes de best French-chayny gold-edged tureen all to smash! Pieces not big enough to save! Laws now, do let me study how to tell de folks, so's to set 'em larfin'. Dere's great 'casion to find suthin' as 'll do it, 'cause dey thinks a heap o' dis yere ole chayny. Mr. Charley now, he's easy set off; but Miss Catline, she takes suthin' purty 'cute!

She bust out about my stupid imparence; called Mary Hann a good for nothink creecher, and wep, and abewsd, and took on about her broken Chayny Bowl, a great deal mor than she did about a dear little Christian child. All in rewing through your stupiddaty, you brute, you! "'Bring your haction aginst the Great Western, Maam, says I, quite riled by this crewel and unfealing hold wixen.

"At last bang goes a package marked 'Glass, and containing the Chayny bowl and Lady Bareacres' mixture, into a large white bandbox, with a crash and a smash. 'It's My Lady's box from Crinoline's! cries Mary Hann; and she puts down the child on the bench, and rushes forward to inspect the dammidge.