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It made such a difference knowing that the door would not open to admit that tall figure; the want of the embroidery frame seemed to take a brightness from the room, and the lack of that little gay laugh of Pamela's left a dullness that the loudest voices did nothing to dispel. Pamela wrote that the visit to Champertoun had been a signal success.

Her brother smiled and shook his head, and after a minute he said: "A garden enclosed is my love." "What's to be said to him, lady? He is fortified against any denial." Twelfth Night. The day before Pamela and her brother left Priorsford for their visit to Champertoun was a typical December day, short and dark and dirty.

And yet I seem to have been here all my life; I feel so much a part of Priorsford, so akin to the people in it. It must be the Border blood in my veins. My mother loved her own country dearly. I have heard my aunt say that she never felt at home at Bidborough or Mintern Abbas. I am sure she would have wanted us to know her Scots home, so Biddy and I are going to Champertoun for Christmas.

It was all the talk in the servants' 'all at Champertoun 'oo would be Lady Bidborough. There were several likely young ladies there, but 'e didn't seem partial to any of them." "Whaur's he awa to the noo?" "Back to London for a bit, I 'eard, and later on we're joining 'im at Bidborough. Beller, I was thinking to myself when they were h'all talking, what if Lady B. should be a Priorsford lady?

It was fine to have her back again in her cosy kitchen, enjoying her supper and full of tales of the glories of Champertoun. Bella's face grew even longer than it was naturally as she heard of the magnificence of that ancient house, of the chapel, of the ballroom, of the number of bedrooms, of the man-servants and maid-servants, of the motors and horses.

It was very confusing at first, but at last they ran their quarry to earth. And this'll be her brother, Quintin Reginald Feurbras what names! Teenie, her mother was an earl's daughter!" "Oh, mercy!" wailed Miss Teenie, quite over-come. "Yes, see here. 6th Earl of Champertoun a Scotch earl too! Lady Ann was her name. Fancy that now!" "And her so pleasant!" said Miss Teenie.