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In this gale I made the land about Seal Rocks, where the steamship Catherton, with many lives, was lost a short time before. I was many hours off the rocks, beating back and forth, but weathered them at last. I arrived at Newcastle in the teeth of a gale of wind. It was a stormy season.

"Not Myatt?" I said. "After the chase " "No, not Myatt." "Catherton Hunt?" "No, nor Catherton Hunt. He had opened it in the name of Mayes!" "What! his actual name?" "His actual original name, according to Peytral.

Bell, we'll go along to Scotland Yard when we leave here. They'll be wanting to see Mr. Catherton Hunt, I expect, whoever he is and somebody in your office, too, if I'm not sadly mistaken." "Who?" gasped Mr. Bell. "That, perhaps, you can help to point out. See here do you know whose figures they are?" and Hewitt produced the small slip of paper containing the cypher.

Tell him to bring a light." The housekeeper came, wonderingly, with a watch-man's oil-lantern, and we all went to the floor below. Opposite the lift was a glass door from which a bill had recently been torn. "Why, it's let!" said Mr. Bell. "Yes, sir," assented the housekeeper. "Let a day or two ago to a Mr. Catherton Hunt. Or, at least, a deposit was paid."

"But see the door's not locked," Hewitt observed, pushing it open. "I think we'll trespass on Mr. Catherton Hunt's new offices, since they seem quite empty, and he hasn't taken possession. Come ventilators!" It was a small office an outer room of moderate size, and one smaller inner room.

"I know that case, too, as well as the other." "Do you know the name of the murderer?" "I think I do. We speak in confidence, of course, as client and professional man?" "Of course. What was his name?" "I have heard two Everard Myatt and Catherton Hunt." "Neither is his real name, and I doubt if anybody but himself knows it. Twenty years ago and more I knew him as Mayes. He was a Jamaican. Mr.

And we've lost him again! What could we do? We shouted and ran downstairs, and that was all. He'd gone, of course. And when we asked the hall porter he told us that Mr. Catherton Hunt had just come down the lift and hurried out!" Everard Myatt or Catherton Hunt was lost again. Martin Hewitt had been wholly successful, for he had recovered Mr.