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It is a long way, but the road is good enough after Ponza it is shorter than to go round by Saracinesca, and the good friar is in a hurry." Carluccio started up with alacrity. He greatly preferred roaming about the hills to breaking stones, provided he was paid for it. He picked up his torn jacket and threw it over one shoulder, setting his battered hat jauntily on his thick black curls.

Ninians; he was more of a man than my papa! he thought. 'I saw him lie doubled in his blood and a grenadier below him and he died for my papa! All died for him, or risked the dying, and I lay for him all those months in the rain and skulked in heather like a fox; and now he writes me his advice! calls me Carluccio me, the man of the house, the only king in that king's race. He ground his teeth.

The young man, therefore, having also a vocation withal, accepted ecclesiastical rank, and a cluster of rich benefices. A breach between Charles and James followed, which was never healed, despite the touching letters of the king to his "dearest Carluccio." Charles betook himself to adventurous and secret projects.

Another said, "But after the war there will be a Great Rumania great and beautiful." And another said, "We Rumanians must be very grateful to Guglielmone. If he had not made this war, we should not have seen the Greater Rumania in our lifetime. But now, if it was not certain before, the blunders of Carluccio have put it beyond all doubt."

Ninians; he was more of a man than my papa!" he thought. "I saw him lie doubled in his blood and a grenadier below him and he died for my papa! All died for him, or risked the dying, and I lay for him all those months in the rain and skulked in heather like a fox; and now he writes me his advice! calls me Carluccio me, the man of the house, the only king in that king's race." He ground his teeth.

It was a quarter of an hour before they reached the works, the longest quarter of an hour Del Ferice remembered in his whole life. Neither spoke a word. Giovanni hailed a sturdy-looking fellow who was breaking stones by the roadside. "Get up, Carluccio," he said. "This good monk has lost his way. You must take him round the mountain, above Ponza to Arcinazzo, and show him the road to Trevi.