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"Wal, it's a wonder; they're as thick as flies in August, and I calkelate I'll have rich times with 'em." "I cannot understand how it is, Kent, that you cherish such a deadly hatred for these Indians." "I have good reason," returned the hunter, compressing his lips. "How long is it that you have felt thus?" "Ever since I's a boy. Ever since that time." "What time, Kent?"

"I'm not going to be particular," I replied. "I shall get whatever I can." "The tide's pretty strong," said the captain. "You've got to calkelate fur that." I was obliged for this information, which was generous on his part, considering the circumstances, and I dived from the bow, as far out as I could jump. Down I went, but I didn't reach the bottom, at all.

He cherished an implacable hatred to every red-man, and they in turn often sought his life, for they had no enemy so dangerous as he. "Yes, sir, them varmints," said he, as he leaned upon his long rifle and gazed at Leslie, "are playing particular devil in these parts, and I calkelate it's a game that two can play at."

Besides, Sam's motto was, "Let those laugh who win;" and he seemed to himself to be on the road to heights of happiness beyond the ken of ordinary mortals especially ordinary stage-drivers. "I don't calkelate to drive stage more than a year or two longer," Sam said to Mrs. "I've got a little place down in Amador, and an interest in the Nip-and-tuck gold-mine, besides a few hundreds in bank.

I've let this gentleman," pointing to Captain Pinckney, "off for a minit to say 'good-by' to a lady, who I reckon has just ridden off in her buggy with her servant without saying by your leave, but I didn't calkelate to let him inter another business, which, like as not, may prevent me from delivering his body safe and sound into court. You hear me!"