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The son of Lucta, the north Munster king, assembled his tribes at the Hill of Luchra, between the Shannon mouth and the Summit of Prospects. Ailill and Meave hosted the men of the west at Cruacan. Find, son of Ros, king over the Galian of Leinster, gathered his army at Dinn-Rig by the Barrow. Cairpré Nia Fer assembled his host about him at Tara, in the valley of the Boyne.

Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern, viz., Ath-Truim, in the territory of Laeghaire of Bregia, and Imghae, in the territory of Laeghaire of Meath. Prima feria venit Patricius ad Taltenam, where the regal assembly was, to Cairpre, the son of Niall.

"Thy counsel is not mine," replied Ailill, "for not greater shall be our part of that payment than the part of all the four provinces who went on that raid for the bull." Therefore Meave consented, and messengers were sent, and came to Tara by the Boyne, where were Find, son of Ros, king of Leinster, and his brother Cairpré Nia Fer, king of Tara.

The brothers desiring that the dead man might be resuscitated, Patrick thereupon "awoke" the dead man who was in the sepulchre, and questioned him quando, et quomodo, et quo genere, et quo nomine esset. Respondit sibi, dicens, "Ego sum Cass, filius of Glassi, qui fui subulcus Lugair Iruatae, and Mac Conn's fiann killed me in the reign of Cairpre Niafer, in the hundredth year.

Yet through the great might of Cuculain the Ulaid prevailed, and Cairpré the King of Tara was slain. After the battle, Concobar spoke thus: "There were three sons of Ros Ruad the king Find in Alend, Ailill in Cruac, Cairpré in Tara; together they performed their deeds of valor, the three brothers in every strife; together they used to give their battle.

Bresal, moreover, refused, and Patrick cursed him. Patrick also explained the whole vision of Brigid in an admirable manner. He resuscitated Eochaidh, son of Crimthann, from death. Eochaidh possessed a daughter i.e., Cinnu whom her father wished to marry to a man of noble family i.e., to the son of Cormac, son of Cairpre Mac Neill; she, walking along, met Patrick with his companions on the way.

I saw subsequently two stones, one little and the other big. A drop was shed on each of them. The little stone increased at the 'drop, and silvery sparks burst from it. The large stone withered, moreover." "They were the two sons of Eochaidh, son of Crimthann," said Patrick. Cairpre Damhairgit believed, and Patrick blessed him, and blessed his seed.