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"Want any money?" She looked at him. He was not unlike John Barrymore in The Jest, and Warble fell for him afresh. "You are so beautiful " she wailed. "I wish you loved me " "I wish I did," he returned, honestly, "but you are such a butter-ball." "Oh, Butterfly Thenter calls anybody Butter-ball who weights over ninety-five! If you're so cut up about it I won't live under this roof another minute!

Old folks is tetchy, like a basket of pullet eggs," he said, as Sam seated him in the back seat and sprang to my side. "I wish I had a rope to tie him in," he muttered, as he sank into his seat. "If you run as you did coming, we'll sure lose him. He'll bounce like a butter-ball."

What is it, 'C. dear? Oh, the butter! Margaret " to the waitress "Mr. Dickens wishes another butter-ball. Yes, Captain Warren, Mr. Dickens is an author. Haven't you noticed the er resemblance? It is considered quite remarkable." Captain Elisha looked puzzled. "Why," he said, "I hadn't noticed it 'special. Jim's Mr. Pearson's eyes and his are some the same color, but "

Milt had praised the race, and one of the two traveling-men, a slender, clear-faced youngster, was rather like Milt, despite plastered hair, a watch-chain slung diagonally across his waistcoat, maroon silk socks, and shoes of pearl buttons, gray tops, and patent-leather bottoms. The other man was a butter-ball.

When the great day arrived and the surrey drove away from the Wendells' gate, Betsy was in a fresh pink-and-white gingham which she had helped Cousin Ann make, and plump Molly looked like something good to eat in a crisp white little dimity, one of Betsy's old dresses, with a deep hem taken in to make it short enough for the little butter-ball.