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From this discreditable business it is a relief to turn to Mr. Busby's bloodless puerilities. In 1835 he drew up a federal constitution for the Maori tribes, and induced thirty-five of the northern chiefs to accept it.

She could scarcely stand and Raymond brought her chair forward. "You wish me to tell all I know?" she asked, in a faint but clear voice. "Everything," was Coroner Busby's answer. Pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts, she plunged into the recital, her tale being merely a repetition of that given to Adam Adams.

Westlake furnished a sample of the tranquil sententiousness of Busby's brother Robert during a stormy debate in the House of Commons. 'I remember, Dacier was reminded, 'hearing him say, when the House resembled a Chartist riot, "Let us stand aside and meditate on Life. If Youth could know, in the season of its reaping of the Pleasures, that it is but sowing Doctor's bills!"

The greater part of the buildings was designed by Wren, who died before the project was carried out, but there seems to be little doubt that the Earl of Burlington, who followed him in the appointment, used Wren's plans. The seventh form room on the right has a fine ceiling of Italian plaster and bookcases with carved panels. This is known as Dr. Busby's Library, because built by him.

The programme was now nearly half over, and Mr Busby's first blank had been filled up by someone else. Mr Martin came hurriedly in. "Who'll sing or play something?" he said. "We must fill up this second place or the programme will be too short." His glance fell upon Lilac. "Why, you're the little girl who was Queen? You can sing, I know. That'll do capitally come along."

As we went up the body of the church, the Knight pointed at the trophies upon one of the new monuments, and cried out, 'A brave man, I warrant him! Passing afterwards by Sir Cloudesly Shovel, he flung his hand that way, and cried, 'Sir Cloudesly Shovel! a very gallant man! As he stood before Busby's tomb, the Knight uttered himself again after the same manner, 'Dr.