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His opinion of Crimmins had undergone a complete revolution; first engendered by the trainer offering him a dishonorable opportunity of fleecing the New York pool-rooms; now culminated by his indirect charge. Garrison considered the issue paramount. He was furious, though so seemingly indifferent. Every ounce of resentment in his nature had been focused to the burning-point.

If events spread themselves out fanwise from the past into the future, then must the occurrences of the present exhibit convergence toward some historical burning-point, some focal centre whereat the potential was warmed into the kinetic. It was nearly a week after the events last narrated before I saw Maitland again, and then only by chance.

His talent lay in first drawing out the various views of the readers, and then of harmonizing them, even as the lens draws all rays to a burning-point, making fire where before was only scattered heat. Carleton was one of those superb teachers who believe that education is not only putting in, but also drawing out.

Besides, she had had bitter experience with these noisy, careless fellows when they worked on her ranch. Her foreman was such a type grown to middle-age. Indeed her anger at the whole species called "cowpuncher" now focused to a burning-point on him of the gilded spurs. The measuring was finished; he stepped back. "Fifteen one and a quarter," he announced. "You win, Dad!"

She was a lady of rank and title, an English lady, travelling with her two servants otherwise quite alone the name on the passenger list was Lady Catheron. For the first two days that was all that could be ascertained just enough to whet curiosity to burning-point.

Not till the first burning-point of the great orb itself emerged above the horizon, not till the day awoke with its brightness and brought with it the sounds of the day and its cares, did we give way to our grief. It was impossible for me to stay.