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A large part of the food of the tribe is furnished by the fruits and herbs of the jungle and here again the women are the chief providers. Although in the sago industry both sexes have well defined duties. Along the edge of the cogon lands are many large buri palms, from which a starch commercially known as sago is secured.

"When he arrived he would have sat down in the middle of the treacherous carpet, but Utsuken pulled him aside and seated him on the edge of the felt. Meanwhile a woman was meddling with the horse and cut off its left stirrup. Belgutei, who noticed it, drove her out, and struck her on the leg with his hand, upon which one Buri Buke struck Belgutei's horse with his sword.

In addition it is customary to find a few well made mats of pandanus or buri palm leaf. These are spread on the floor when the owners wish to retire and for the rest of the time are rolled up and laid along the walls.

"You must be punished for your negligence, and as king I pass upon you this sentence: You shall never see your descendants, for you shall die just as your seeds are ready to grow." And from that day the buri palms have always died without seeing their descendants. Who Brings the Cholera?

Some of the accounts, which deal with the death of Juan and various members of his family by burning, the writer has suppressed as too coarse for Western ideas. Anac, child. Anac hang gabi, young root of the caladium plant. It also means "child of the night." Any kind of relish to be eaten with rice, meat especially. Tuba, fermented juice of cocoa, buri, or nipa palms.

One day King Molave, the strongest tree, who lived on a high mountain, called his subjects together for a general meeting. Then every tree put itself in motion towards the designated spot, each doing its best to reach it first. But the buri palm was several days late, which made the king angry, and he cursed it in these terms:

On a bit of land not good for much else he has the palm tree, which yields buri for making mats and sugar bags. His wife has a little shop, keeps several weavers at work, and an embroidery woman or two.

I likewise inquired concerning the town of Talas, in which, according to Friar Andrew , there were certain Germans in the service of one Buri and I had formerly made inquiries concerning them at the courts of Sartach and Baatu . But I could only learn, that their master, Ban, had been put to death on the following occasion.