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The preferable arrangement appears to be, to cast upon each blow-off cock a bend for attaching the cock to the bottom of the boiler, and the plug should stand about an inch in advance of the front of the boiler, so that it may be removed, or re-ground, with facility.

"You wanted some such blow-off as this." "Did I?" "The energy you have! That car must be somebody's whipping boy." "The devil it is!" said Sir Richmond, turning round sharply and staring at it as if he expected it to display some surprising and yet familiar features. Then he looked questioningly and suspiciously at his companion.

Dennis had put in a big fire for the hill, and then gone skylarking around the station, and I was in the dark glaring at Dandy Tamplin in the light. "The blow-off cock on this engine was on the right side and opened from the cab.

"Well, having changed her name, she picks up a general cargo and comes back to San Francisco, where she goes on dry dock and is cleaned and painted, has her gear overhauled, fills up with fuel oil and stores, and but that's enough. Now comes the blow-off.

Every boiler must be furnished with a blow-off cock of its own, independently of the main blow-off cocks on the ship's sides, so that the boilers may be blown off separately, and may be shut off from one another.

Q. What is the proper material of the pipes in steam vessels? A. Most of the pipes of marine engines should be made of copper. The steam pipes may be of cast iron, if made very strong, but the waste water pipes should be of copper. Cast iron blow-off pipes have in some cases been employed, but they are liable to fracture, and are dangerous.

Some expedient of this kind is almost necessary, as the blow-off cocks require occasional regrinding, and the sea cocks cannot be re-ground without putting the vessel into dock, except by the use of Kingston's valves, or some equivalent expedient. Q. What is the proper construction and situation of the injection cocks, and waste water valves?

Slowly he progressed until only a muddy road intervened between him and the north end of the platform. Taking advantage of a noisy blow-off from the engine, he piled some brush up in front of him and stretched out at full length with his chin on his arm, viewing the scene through the opening between the two lowest rails of the fence.

The blow-off and feed pipes should be of copper, but the waste steam pipe may be of galvanized iron. Every pipe passing through the ship's side, and every pipe fixed at both ends, and liable to be heated and cooled, should be furnished with a faucet or expansive joint; and in the case of the cast iron pipes, the part of the pipe fitting into the faucet should be turned.

All but the smallest boilers should have a mud-hole and plug in the bottom at a point not directly exposed to the furnace. In Figs. 86 and 87 there should be a mud-hole in one end of each of the three drums, A, B, and C. The plug may be bored at the centre for a blow-off cock, through which the boiler should be emptied after use, while steam is up, and after the fire has been "drawn."