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To all these entreaties Raub turned a deaf and defiant ear, and, at the suggestion of the French Consulate in this city, Marie retained the services of Howe & Hummel, and proceedings were taken which brought the contumacious Theodore to a satisfactory fiscal arrangement so far as Miss Blanchette was concerned. *Life on the Boston Boats.*

Thereupon the Grandmother hastened to dress poor Blanchette, who was still trembling with fear in the bed. 'Well, she said to her, 'without my little hood where would you be now, darling? And, to restore heart and legs to the child, she made her eat a good piece of her cake, and drink a good draught of wine, after which she took her by the hand and led her back to the house.

Her real name was Blanchette, but she was more often called Little Golden-hood, on account of a wonderful little cloak with a hood, gold- and fire-coloured, which she always had on. This little hood was given her by her Grandmother, who was so old that she did not know her age; it ought to bring her good luck, for it was made of a ray of sunshine, she said.

You will ask her how she is, and come back at once, without stopping to chatter on the way with people you don't know. Do you quite understand? 'I quite understand, replied Blanchette gaily. And off she went with the cake, quite proud of her errand. But the Grandmother lived in another village, and there was a big wood to cross before getting there.

Her forehead was high and open; she had teeth of pearly whiteness, and possessed all the accomplishments which a French lady of ion need desire. It is not surprising, therefore, that Miss Blanchette should have captivated many admirers.

Every day in the morning, at midday and in the evening Blanchette came to offer Blondine her frugal repast. Blondine passed the time in tears for her poor friends, and bitter self-reproach for her crimes. "By my unpardonable disobedience," she said to herself, "I have caused the most terrible misfortunes, which it is not in my power to repair.