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He was lost in pleasant thought for a moment or so and then he looked eagerly up at Loring with: "I wonder if there isn't some way, besides Birchard's, that a fellow could make a million dollars in a day!" Polly Parsons burst into the boudoir of Constance Joy, every feather on her lavender hat aquiver with indignation. "What do you think!" she demanded. "Johnny Gamble's lost his million dollars!"

Johnny showed it to him triumphantly, but Gresham read it with a smile of contempt. "I was correct in my suspicions of Birchard," he stated. "This document is a forgery. I hope you did not pay him any money on the strength of it." Silently Johnny laid before him Birchard's receipt, and a second later as he saw the gleam of gratification in Gresham's eyes was sorry that he had done so.

And when I looked up to see why she didn't finish, she was gone, sure enough." His voice broke, and he stopped abruptly. Mr. Birchard, without in the least intending to do it, grasped his hand, and held it with affectionate warmth for a moment. "Thank you, young man, thank you kindly," said Uncle Jabez, recovering his voice and shaking Mr. Birchard's hand heartily at the same moment.

Once more the old man peered into Birchard's face, and the schoolmaster answered one question with another, after the custom of the country: "Did you ever know anything about the blazed tree before McKellop found the blaze?" "When I come to think it over, I found I did," said Uncle Jabez, falling all unconscious into the trap set for him.