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It passed with strong bipartisan support and now there are 20,000 Americans more than ever served in one year in the Peace Corps working all over this country, helping person to person in local grass-roots volunteer groups, solving problems and in the process earning some money for their education. This is citizenship at its best.

When parents control what their young children see, that is not censorship; that is enabling parents to assume more personal responsibility for their children's upbringing. And I urge them to do it. The V-chip requirement is part of the important telecommunications bill now pending in this Congress. It has bipartisan support, and I urge you to pass it now.

I am presenting only vital programs which are within the capacity of this Congress to enact, within the capacity of the budget to finance, and which I believe should be above partisanship programs which deal with urgent priorities for the Nation, which should and must be the subject of bipartisan action by this Congress in the interests of the country in 1972.

We have no more important obligations, especially in the wake of what we now know about the Gulf War. This treaty has been bipartisan from the beginning, supported by Republican and Democratic administrations, and Republican and Democratic members of Congress, and already approved by 68 nations.

Right here, I want to say that no one appreciates more than I the bipartisan cooperation in foreign affairs which has been enjoyed by this administration. Our success in working with other nations to achieve peace depends largely on what we do at home. We must preserve our national strength. Strength is not simply a matter of arms and force.

Two days later, that same freshman stood at the back of this great Chamber over there someplace as President Truman, all charged up by his single-handed election victory, reported as the Constitution requires on the state of the Union. When the bipartisan applause stopped, President Truman said, "I am happy to report to this 81st Congress that the state of the Union is good.

When parents control what their young children see, that is not censorship; that is enabling parents to assume more personal responsibility for their children's upbringing. And I urge them to do it. The V-chip requirement is part of the important telecommunications bill now pending in this Congress. It has bipartisan support, and I urge you to pass it now.

Let's pass bipartisan, comprehensive legislation that will improve public health, protect our tobacco farmers, and change the way tobacco companies do business forever. Let's do what it takes to bring teen smoking down. Let's raise the price of cigarettes by up to $1.50 a pack over the next 10 years, with penalties on the tobacco industry if it keeps marketing to our children.

Two days later, that same freshman stood at the back of this great Chamber over there someplace as President Truman, all charged up by his single-handed election victory, reported as the Constitution requires on the state of the Union. When the bipartisan applause stopped, President Truman said, "I am happy to report to this 81st Congress that the state of the Union is good.

But we have a greater responsibility to conduct our political fights in a manner that does not harm the national interest. We can find plenty of things to differ about without destroying our free institutions and without abandoning our bipartisan foreign policy for peace.