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"He's game!" he persisted in saying an assertion, I beg to believe, fully worth the chemist Bezuquet's. Not once did the brave officer let out any allusion to the trip to Africa; but when the public clamour grew too loud, he determined to have his say.

The gunsmith's comment was welcomed all over town, for nobody believed any longer in their late idol. The simpletons and poltroons all the fellows of Bezuquet's stamp, whom a flea would put to flight, and who could not fire a shot without closing their eyes were conspicuously pitiless.

For instance, it is an established fact that this is the chemist Bezuquet's family's: "Thou art the fair star that I adore!" The gunmaker Costecalde's family's: "Would'st thou come to the land Where the log-cabins rise?" The official registrar's family's: "If I wore a coat of invisible green, Do you think for a moment I could be seen?" And so on for the whole of Tarascon.

Nevertheless, at whiles, when there was a harmonic party at Bezuquet's, he would drop into the chemist's shop, as if by chance, and, after a deal of pressure, consent to do the grand duo in Robert le Diable with old Madame Bezuquet. Whoso never heard that never heard anything!

PENDING Tartarin's delay of the event by all sorts of heroic means, all Tarascon kept an eye upon him, and nothing else was busied about. Cap-popping was winged, and ballad-singing dead. The piano in Bezuquet's shop mouldered away under a green fungus, and the Spanish flies dried upon it, belly up. Tartarin's expedition had a put a stopper on everything.

As the lady did not understand French and Tartarin did not speak a word of Arabic, conversation languished somewhat and the talkative Tarasconais had time to repent of any intemperate loquaciousness of which he might have been guilty at Bezuquet's pharmacy or Costecalde the gunsmith's shop. This penance even had a certain charm.