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"And where," said I, "do the people of your country go when they die?" He answered to Benamuckee. "What, and those people that are eaten up, do they go there?" Benamuckee, said he, love 'em dearly; me pray to Benamuckee in the canoe, and Benamuckee would love me when dey eat me all up.

As frequently I used to inculcate things into his mind. Friday one day told me, that if our great God could hear us beyond the sun, he must surely be a greater God than their Benamuckee, who lived but a little way off, yet could not hear them till they ascended the great mountains, where he dwelt to speak to him.

I will pray to Him to teach thee to know Him, and forgive me, that am unworthy to teach thee. Wife. What you put down the knee for? What you hold up the hand for? What you say? Who you speak to? What is all that? W.A. My dear, I bow my knees in token of my submission to Him that made me: I said O to Him, as you call it, and as your old men do to their idol Benamuckee; that is, I prayed to Him.

He looked very grave, and, with a perfect look of innocence, said, “All things say O to him.” I asked him if the people who die in his country went away anywhere? He said, “Yes; they all went to Benamuckee.” Then I asked him whether those they eat up went thither too. He said, “Yes.”

He told me one day, that if our God could hear us, up beyond the sun, he must needs be a greater God than their Benamuckee, who lived but a little way off, and yet could not hear till they went up to the great mountains where he dwelt to speak to them. I asked him if ever he went thither to speak to him.

No; great old Benamuckee God is in my country, not yours. A. My dear, God is in heaven, which he made; he also made the earth, the sea and all that is therein. Wife. Why you no tell me much long ago? A. My dear I have been a wicked wretch, having a long time lived without the knowledge of God in the world. Wife. What, not know great God in own nation? No do good ting?

He told me, “It was one Benamuckee, that lived beyond all;” he could describe nothing of this great person, but that he was very old, “much older,” he said, “than the sea or land, than the moon or the stars.” I asked him then, if this old person had made all things, why did not all things worship him?

He told me one day, that if our God could hear us up beyond the sun, he must needs be a greater God than their Benamuckee, who lived but a little way off, and yet could not hear till they went up to the great mountains where he dwelt to speak to him. I asked him if ever he went thither to speak to him?

W.A. My dear, I bow my knees in token of my submission to Him that made me: I said O to him, as you call it, and as you say your old men do to their idol Benamuckee; that is, I prayed to him. Wife. What you say O to him for? W.A. I prayed to him to open your eyes and your understanding, that you may know him, and be accepted by him. Wife. Can he do that too?

I asked him, if the people who die in his country, went away any where? He said, Yes, they all went to Benamuckee. Then I asked him, whether those they ate up, went thither too? he said, Yes. From these things I began to instruct him in the knowledge of the true God.