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It is I who have broken up its simplicity, and it belongs to my reader to put it together again. James's Psychology, ch. xxvi. Sigwart's Der Begriff des Wollen's, in his Kleine Schriften. A. Alexander's Theories of the Will. Munsterberg's Die Willenshandlung. Hoffding's Psychology, ch. vii. Conceivably a being such, as has been described might advance no farther.

Herrmann is the one of the Ritschlians who has dealt with this matter not only with great clearness, but also with deep Christian feeling in his Verkehr des Christen mit Gott, 1886, and notably in his address, Der Begriff der Offenbarung, 1887. If the motive of religion were an intellectual curiosity, a verbal communication would suffice.

Speaking of the lovely melodies of the Italian opera he says: "Nicht das schlagende Herz der Nachtigall begriff man, sondern nur ihren Kehlschlag." Men cared only for the pleasing sound of the nightingale's voice, nothing for the beating heart from which it sprang. We are now able to understand his famous doctrine that the drama is the end, music the means, and therefore secondary.

This projecting a world from the gaseous elements of one's own cranium and dealing with that world, instead of the world that exists, is a danger to everybody concerned. "Bedauernswert sei es allerdings, dass wir in unserem politischen Leben nicht mit gentlemen zu thun haben, dies sei aber em Begriff der uns überhaupt abgehe," writes Prince Hohenlohe in his memoirs.

The term Concept has no necessary connection with the theory called Conceptualism. It is equally available to designate the idea called up by a general name, as understood either by Mr Bailey or by James Mill. We think it useful as an equivalent to the German word Begriff, which sense Sir W. Hamilton has in view when he introduces it, though he does not always adhere to his profession.