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In confined spots like chalk-pits, they knock a four-point-seven silly. But you should read the directions before'and. In the intervals of the slow but well-directed fire of my cow-guns, Jules, who had found a sheep-pond in the dark a little lower down, gave what you might call a cinematograph reproduction o' sporadic musketry.

"It will save you a lot o' time at Sandburst," the Sergeant replied promptly. "You'll be dismissed your drills early if you go up with a good groundin' before'and." "Hm! 'Don't mind learnin' my drill, but I'm not goin' to ass about the country with a toy Snider. Perowne, what are you goin' to do? Hogan's joinin'." "Don't know whether I've the time," said Perowne.

It's as well they are married at last. 'Why? 'Because they 'ave been goin' on most owdacious before'and. I 'ave it from their own lips, and it fairly made me blush to listen to it. Awful, it was, AWFUL! 'You don't say that, John! 'I tell you, Jane, I couldn't 'ardly believe my ears.

There's a crowd of brass-'atted blighters there which will say I've been absent without leaf. Never mind. I forgive them before'and. The evenin' of my life, an' please don't forget it." Then in a tone of most ingratiating apology to me: "I soaked it all in be'ind my shut eyes. 'I'm" he jerked a contemptuous thumb towards Mr. Pyecroft "'e's a flatfoot, a indigo-blue matlow.

Her husband thought no such woman had ever trodden the earth, and publicly blessed the day on which he first set eyes on her. "After the dose I'd 'ad with me first, 'twas a bit of a risk, that I knew. And it put me off me sleep for a night or two before'and. But my Tilly's the queen o' women I say the queen, sir! I've never 'ad a wrong word from 'er, an' when I go she gits every penny I've got.