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But he might ez well hev a be-you-ti-ful curlin' nose, like the elephint in the show, for all the use he air, or I be afeard air ever likely ter be."

You be patient, chile," chuckled Uncle Rufus. "Dar was de long table, all set wid shinin' silber, an' glistenin' cut glass, an' de be-you-ti-ful ol' crockery dat Madam Colby das Mars' Colby's gre't-gran-mammy brought f'om Englan'. Dar was ten plates beside de famb'ly.

"Now, I put it to you, Sister Sudley, air Ty a-makin' that thar boy plough terday? jes be-you-ti-ful field weather!"

Ben was just as wild as she was, for no one knew but Polly just how the new friend had stepped into his heart. Phronsie went to sleep happy, hugging "Baby." "And don't you think, Baby, dear," she whispered sleepily, and Polly heard her say as she was tucking her in, "that Jasper is really comin'; really and the big, be-you-ti-ful doggie, too!"

"He hev got his mother's be-you-ti-ful blue eyes and her curling, silken brown hair sorter red; little Yerby in that, mebbe; but sech eyes, an' sech lashes, an' sech fine curling hair ez none o' yer fambly ever hed, or ever will." "Mebbe so. I never seen him more'n a minit.

Come on!" shouted Carrie, in the lead with Neale O'Neil. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" "Charge for the eats, they said!" added Agnes. "Oh ow ouch! over my shoe in the snow." "And it's we-e-e-et!" wailed another of the girls. "Right down my neck!" "'Be-you-ti-ful snow! He may sing whom it suits I object to the stuff 'cause it soaks through my boots!" quoted Agnes. "Hurry up, you ahead!"