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And it was at San Carlos Mission of Carmelo, that the superiors of the different missions convened and gave accounts of their work and numbers of baptisms etc. to the Father President. And how glowing are the records of those accounts! Here on festival days after the religious services were held social gatherings and entertainment's of the purest yet merriest order.

When you apprehend the nearness of danger, think of the future, think of consequences, think only of the irremissibleness of sin, which not all the waters and baptisms, though it were of blood, through which the Churches can pass you, will ever be able to efface.

In the sad circle of the captives marriages and baptisms nevertheless took place, and some are recorded in the parish register of Castmell, Lancashire, as having been performed in "Argeir" by Mr. Spratt. Matters went from bad to worse. Four hundred British ships were taken in three or four years before 1622.

No wonder Serra's heart was heavy when he heard the news, and that he attributed the small number of baptisms only seventy-three in two years to the wickedness of the men who should have aided instead of hindering the work. In his first report to Mexico, Serra tells of the Indian population around San Gabriel.

There were 1,727 marriages, 7,707 baptisms, and 4,601 burials in Montreal; 653 marriages, 4,045 baptisms, and 2,318 burials in Quebec; and 260 marriages, 1,565 baptisms, and 976 burials in Three Rivers, during the year 1814. The revenue amounted to £204,550 currency, the expenditure to £162,125 sterling; and 184 vessels were cleared at Quebec.

Of the many baptisms achieved by the Fathers in the course of their indefatigable ministry, the subjects had all been infants, or adults at the point of death; but at length a Huron, in full health and manhood, respected and influential in his tribe, had been won over to the Faith, and was now to be baptized with solemn ceremonial, in the chapel thus gorgeously adorned. It was a strange scene.

Thanks to the pious efforts of the late Father Cassanova, the precious remains of Junipero Serra, together with those of three other friars of the mission, were discovered, identified, and honorably reentombed. From 1770 to 1784 Padre Junipero Serra entered upon the parish record all baptisms, marriages, and deaths.

Probably we shall not be inconvenienced by those absolutions as they will want contrition to make them valid, but it may be that their baptisms will cause us some embarrassment.

"The same day baptized Marie, sauvagesse, aged one year, daughter of Tobuk and of Marie Noktomkiache, Christian, and named at the font Marie by Rene Lambert and Catherine Bugaret, her sponsors. Moireau, Recol." Two baptisms in the following year, one at Jemseg and the other at St. John, are of equal interest:

To Scutari came similar news of the hideous cruelty, by means of which Great Serbia was being created. They were stood in a trench, which was to be their grave. Twelve soldiers fired, and as the victims fell the earth was shovelled over them, whether living or dead. Baptisms were forced by torture. Men were plunged into the ice-cold river, and then half roasted till they cried for mercy.