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But in his conflict with the papacy be was overthrown, and with him these heresies were destroyed. In Upper Italy, Averroism long maintained its ground. It was so fashionable in high Venetian society that every gentleman felt constrained to profess it. At length the Church took decisive action against it.

Antagonism of the Jewish synagogues. Its destruction undertaken by the papacy. Institution of the Inquisition in Spain. Frightful persecutions and their results. Expulsion of the Jews and Moors. Overthrow of Averroism in Europe. Decisive action of the late Vatican Council.

Connection of this doctrine with the theory of conservation and correlation of force. Parallel between the origin and destiny of the body and the soul. The necessity of founding human on comparative psychology. Averroism, which is based on these facts, is brought into Christendom through Spain and Sicily. History of the repression of Averroism. Revolt of Islam against it.

The following excerpts from the "Historical Essay on Averroism," by M. Renan, will show how closely the Sarscenic ideas approached those presented above: This system supposes that, at the death of an individual, his intelligent principle or soul no longer possesses a separate existence, but returns to or is absorbed in the universal mind, the active intelligence, the mundane soul, which is God; from whom, indeed, it had originally emanated or issued forth.

In the intellectual history of Arabism the Jew and the Saracen are continually seen together. It was the same in their political history, whether we consider it in Syria, in Egypt, or in Spain. From them conjointly Western Europe derived its philosophical ideas, which in the course of time culminated in Averroism; Averroism is philosophical Islamism.

He had become an essential element in the triumphs of the great Dominican doctor. He continued thus to be familiar to the Italian painters until the sixteenth century. His doctrines were maintained in the University of Padua until the seventeenth. Such is, in brief, the history of Averroism as it invaded Europe from Spain.

Averroes in this his blasphemous doctrine denies creation, providence, revelation, the Trinity, the efficacy of prayers, of alms, and of litanies; he disbelieves in the resurrection and immortality; he places the summum bonum in mere pleasure. So, too, among the Jews who were then the leading intellects of the world, Averroism had been largely propagated.

An opposition to philosophy had been organized all over the Mussulman world. There was hardly a philosopher who was not punished. Some were put to death, and the consequence was, that Islam was full of hypocrites. Into Italy, Germany, England, Averroism had silently made its way. It found favor in the eyes of the Franciscans, and a focus in the University of Paris.

Averroism is still a subject of at least academic interest, and Renan's monograph on it and its author was one of the popular books of the latter half of the nineteenth century in philosophic circles.

Under the designation of Averroism, there came into prominence the theories of Emanation and Absorption. At the close of the middle ages the Inquisition succeeded in excluding those doctrines from Europe, and now the Vatican Council has formally and solemnly anathematized them.