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Assafoetida, garlic, camphor, 'jimson weed, valerian powder phew! What not? Mixed as a voudoo chowder, and a scent twice as loud!" "Be thankful your wife is not here to enforce the wearing of the sanitary sachet," said the doctor, allowing himself a grimace of contemptuous disgust.

Among further plants associated with his Satanic majesty may be enumerated the garden fennel, or love-in-a-mist, to which the name of "devil-in-a-bush" has been applied, while the fruit of the deadly nightshade is commonly designated "devil's berries." Then there is the "devil's tree," and the "devil's dung" is one of the nicknames of the assafoetida.

This was worse than the first, for it contained assafoetida instead of ammonia. The stench was something dreadful, and two of the hazers got full doses of the stuff directly in their faces. Jack was on the windward side of it or he could not have endured the horrible smell. The victims simply fell on the ground and began to vomit in spite of themselves. "Oh! Oh! Oh!

Assafoetida is the strongest of the fetid gums, and of frequent use in hysteric and different kinds of nervous complaints. It is likewise of considerable efficacy in flatulent colics; and for promoting all the fluid secretions in either sex. The ancients attributed to this medicine many other virtues which are at present not expected from it. Lewis's Mat. Med. FICUS Carica.

The atmosphere of an assafoetida desert is among those things that can better be imagined than described; the aroma of the fetid gum is wafted to and fro, and assails the nostrils in a manner quite the reverse of "Araby the blest."

Thus the smells of garlic and of onions, and even of assafoetida, are to many men among the most attractive and appetising in existence to very many they are, on the other hand, repulsive. Many animals revel in the smell and flavour of carrion, and even of manure, which they devour.

Then his appetite forsook him; gaseous, hot acids and dry heats coursed through his stomach. He grew swollen, was choked for breath, and could not endure his clothes after each attempt at eating. He shunned alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea, and drank only milk. And he took recourse to baths of cold water and dosed himself with assafoetida, valerian and quinine.

Amongst the dishes a very large one was placed before him of a lamb dressed in its wool, stuffed with prunes, garlic, assafoetida, capsicums, and other condiments, the most abominable mixture that ever mortal smelt or tasted.

A perpetual fire of fulminating balls would bang from under the feet of the faithful; odors of impure assafoetida would mingle with the fumes of the incense; and wicked drinking choruses would rise up along with the holy canticles, in hideous dissonance, reminding one of the old orgies under the reign of the Abbot of Unreason.

It is made simply by mixing flour of emery and sweet oil, to the consistence of paste. Dissolve assafoetida in warm water, and put half a tablespoonful in each ear of the sheep. It is a speedy remedy. Take of linseed oil, 1 pint; yellow wax and white turpentine, of each, 2 oz.; burgundy pitch, 1 oz.; melt all together, and colour with lampblack.