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The animal has suffered materially from mange, which has been apparently cured: the itchiness and eruption altogether disappear, but many weeks do not elapse ere ascites begins to be seen, and the abdomen is gradually distended with fluid.

The urine seldom coagulates. This form of dropsy is usually seated in the abdomen or cellular tissue. The treatment of ascites is seldom perfectly successful.

Haultain gives three examples of pseudocyesis, the first with no apparent cause, the second due to carcinoma of the uterus, while in the third there was a small fibroid in the anterior wall of the uterus. Some cases are of purely nervous origin, associated with a purely muscular distention of the abdomen. Clay reported a case due to ascites.

A man about sixty-seven, who had long been accustomed to spirituous potation, had some time laboured under ascites; his legs somewhat swelled; his breath easy in all attitudes; no appetite; great thirst; urine in exceedingly small quantity, very deep coloured, and turbid; pulse equal.

It may also follow the sudden withdrawal of fluid from a large cavity, as in tapping an abdomen for ascites, or withdrawing fluid from the pleural cavity. Syncope sometimes occurs also during the administration of a general anæsthetic, especially if there is a tendency to sickness and the patient is not completely under.

But for a man to be elated by happiness, as Epicurus is, like sailors upon the festivals of Venus, and to vaunt himself that, when he was sick of an ascites, he notwithstanding called his friends together to certain collations and grudged not his dropsy the addition of good liquor, and that, when he called to remembrance the last words of Neocles, he was melted with a peculiar sort of joy intermixed with tears, no man in his right senses would call these true joys or satisfactions.

She was thought to have had "dropsy of the abdomen," as the parents had lost a girl of about the same age who was tapped for ascites. The father of the child was a boy only fourteen years of age. Marvelous to relate, there are on record several cases of twins being born to a child mother.

During each of two pregnancies she was punctured three or four times; one of her children was still living. It has been said that there was a case in Paris of a person who was punctured 300 times for ascites. Scott reports a case of ascites in which 928 pints of water were drawn off in 24 successive tappings, from February, 1777, to May, 1778.