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The tender tones of an undetermined melody rose and fell on the quiet air, they listened, drawing closer and closer to each other, till it seemed as if but one heart beat between them, as if but one Soul aspired, Archangel-like, from their two lives to Heaven! And Gloria, with a sigh of perfect happiness, murmured softly, "How beautiful the night! How calm the sea!"

"The fellow was a fool to blab so glibly. I would have carried the jest farther. But he stood on the punctilio and would not win you without confession." The girl's heart swelled. "I am glad he had so much honour," she said, and the shining figure in the bright armour seemed more archangel-like than ever. Louis looked at her intently, tickling his chin with his forefinger.

Escape from death! ... alas, there is no escape, . . 'tis evident we all must die, . . die, and with dust-quenched eyes unlearn our knowledge of the sun, the stars, the marvels of the universe, for us no more shall the flowers bloom or the sweet birds sing; the poem of the world will write itself anew in every roseate flushing of the dawn, but we, we who have joyed therein, we who have sung the praises of the light, the harmonies of wind and sea, the tunefulness of woods and fields, we whose ambitious thoughts have soared archangel-like through unseen empyreans of space, there to drink in a honeyed hope of Heaven, we shall be but DEAD! ... mute, cold, and stirless as deep, undug stones, . . dead! ... Ah God, thou Utmost Cruelty!" and in a sudden access of grief and passion he raised one hand and shook it aloft with a menacing gesture "Would I might look upon Thee face to face, and rebuke Thee for Thy merciless injustice!"