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Then, at the very last, on the point of separating, the feeling of relaxed tension already upon him, he heard Sophia Antonovna allude to the subject of his uneasiness. How it came about he could only guess, his mind being absent at the moment, but it must have sprung from Sophia Antonovna's complaints of the illogical absurdity of the people.

Sophia Antonovna's informant, by listening to the talk of the house, by putting this and that together, had managed to come very near to the truth of Haldin's relation to Ziemianitch. "It is I who can tell you what you were not certain of that your friend had some plan for saving himself afterwards, for getting out of St. Petersburg, at any rate.

It was as if this Ziemianitch could not possibly have done anything else. And Sophia Antonovna's cocksure and contemptuous "some police-hound" was characteristically Russian in another way. But there was no tragedy there. This was a comedy of errors. It was as if the devil himself were playing a game with all of them in turn. First with him, then with Ziemianitch, then with those revolutionists.

"Peter Ivanovitch," said Sophia Antonovna gravely, "has united himself to a peasant girl." I was truly astonished. "What! On the Riviera?" "What nonsense! Of course not." Sophia Antonovna's tone was slightly tart. "Is he, then, living actually in Russia? It's a tremendous risk isn't it?" I cried. "And all for the sake of a peasant girl. Don't you think it's very wrong of him?"

"It's a perfect, diabolic surprise," thought Razumov, calm-faced in his attitude of inscrutable superiority, nodding assent to Sophia Antonovna's remarks upon the psychology of "the people," "Oh yes certainly," rather coldly, but with a nervous longing in his fingers to tear some sort of confession out of her throat.

They see treason everywhere and are afraid of everything." "Well, and how is Prince Alexander to blame? He is a most estimable man. I used to meet him at Mary Antonovna's," said the countess in an offended tone; and still more offended that they all remained silent, she went on: "Nowadays everyone finds fault. A Gospel Society!