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While very powerful and swift and equipped for air-fighting, it was also one that had been used by one of the French photographers and his pilot. The photographer, was a daring man, and had, not long before, gone to his death in fighting three Hun planes.

Scarcely five minutes pass before the telephone brings up this news: Lieutenant Boelke has just brought down his seventh flyer. Methods of air-fighting were succinctly described in a hearing before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, in June, 1917. The officers testifying were young Americans of the Lafayette Escadrille of the French army.

The Naval Flying Corps What The Navy Department Has Accomplished And Is Accomplishing in the Way of Air-Fighting Experience of a Naval Ensign Adrift in the English Channel Seaplanes and Flying Boats Schools of Instruction Instances of Heroism

I knew he would do well, but I was not prepared for his immediately blazing success. He got his pilot's certificate in record time and went out to France; and presently even we foot-sloggers, busy shifting ground before the Somme, began to hear rumours of his doings. He developed a perfect genius for air-fighting.

He has to be reckoned with all the time, and fierce fighting in the air, either against German machines or in face of German shell-fire such as we scarcely even imagined in watching the air-fighting of Gallipoli, is the daily spectacle of the trenches. We have seen a brave flight by a German low down within rifle-shot.

Flying-men and officers of all kinds waiting for trains crowded the Folkestone Hotel and restaurants, where they spent two hours over luncheon and three hours over dinner, drinking red wine, talking "shop" the shop of trench-mortar units, machine-gun sections, cavalry squadrons, air-fighting, gas schools, and anti-gas schools.

There was also a report on the air-fighting and air-losses of February to which I will return. It was, of course, already obvious that the German retreat on the Somme was not so far going to yield us any very large captures of men or guns.

Of these, 369 were German 269 of them brought down by the British and 98 by the French. The British lost 147; the French and Belgian, if the German claims can be trusted, 201. It is a terrible list, and a terrible testimony to the extreme importance and intensity of the air-fighting now going on.

He was desperately keen about the war, which he saw wholly from the viewpoint of the air. Arras to him was over before the infantry crossed the top, and the tough bit of the Somme was October, not September. He calculated that the big air-fighting had not come along yet, and all he hoped for was to be allowed out to France to have his share in it.