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There has been a persistent craze among native song-writers for little flower-dramas and bird-tragedies, which, aiming at exquisiteness, fall far short of that dangerous goal and land in flagrant silliness.

Fortresses, arsenals, and ships are built, new weapons are constantly being invented, to be replaced in a short time by fresh ones, for, sad to say, science, which ought always to be aiming at the good of humanity, assists in the work of destruction, and is constantly inventing new means for killing the greatest number of men in the shortest time.

In doing this I am not aiming to keep the frost away from the plants, as might be supposed, but rather to prevent the sun from getting at the soil and thawing the frost that has taken possession of it.

Turning his head quickly, he saw the ape about twenty paces to one side aiming the revolver at him. Then Billie lost his temper. "This thing has got to stop," he exclaimed. "I'll be doggoned if I'm going to stand for it any longer." He ran quickly toward the ape, and fell on his knees as he had seen the ape do, and raised his hands in supplication.

"Your arm is improving?" inquired Fred, who had not seen his adversary before, since the morning of the meeting. "Thanks to the doctor, and your kindness in not aiming at a more vulnerable part, I shall soon be well. Do we separate as friends?" "I say yes, with all my heart," cried Fred, eagerly.

The senator reached over, took one of the gigantic McVickar cigars from the open box on the desk, and calmly lighted it. "You're a pretty hard man to convince, Hardwick," he said slowly, when the big cigar was filling the air of the lobby with its fragrance. "Away along back at the beginning of this fight I told you what I was aiming to do, and why.

The Prince was accused of aiming at the sovereignty of the whole country, and one of his grief's against the Advocate was that he had begged the Princess-Widow, Louise de Coligny, to warn her son-in-law of the dangers of such ambition.

Before Graydon went she had another long interview with him while you were asleep. Good gracious! what is she aiming at? Young men were not so patient in my day or in our village; and quiet as Henry appears, he wouldn't play second string to a bow as Graydon does.

So the ball was set rolling and soon everybody knew that Grandma Wentworth had just had a letter from Tommy Dudley, saying that he was doing so well out West on his homestead that he was building himself a new house and was aiming to make Green Valley a visit next lilac time.

"One would think that the Prince of Eckmuehl commanded the army," they said constantly in the emperor's presence. Some even accused him of aiming at the throne of Poland.