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And as thus all effects would be accomplished without a cause, even perfectly inert men would accomplish all the ends to be reached in this and in the next life, including final release. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the aggregates. Not non-existence, on account of consciousness.

We thus arrive at the settled conclusion that, since the fruit of mere works is limited and perishable, while that of the cognition of Brahman is infinite and permanent, there is good reason for entering on an enquiry into Brahman the result of which enquiry will be the accurate determination of Brahman's nature. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'Enquiry.

The Person seen within the eye therefore is the highest Self. We have, under Su. I, 2, 14, assumed as proved that the abiding within the eye and ruling the eye, which is referred to in Bri. Up. Here terminates the adhikarana of that 'within. The next Sutra now proceeds to prove that assumption.

The settled conclusion, therefore, is that the abode of heaven, earth, and so on, is none other than the highest Self. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'heaven, earth, and so on. Up. The question now arises whether the Self called bhuman is the individual Self or the highest Self. The Purvapakshin maintains the former view.

At the end of many births the wise man goes to me, thinking all is Vasudeva. Gi. The repetition of the words of the Sutra indicates the conclusion of this body of doctrine. Thus everything is settled to satisfaction. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'with the exception of the world-energies.

The number eleven is confirmed by scriptural and Smriti passages, cp. Gi. Where more organs are mentioned, the different functions of the manas are meant; and references to smaller numbers are connected with special effects of the organs, such as accompanying the soul, and the like. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the going of the seven. Up. Up. And the best. Samh. Up.

The conclusion, therefore, is that those meditations are not restricted to the sacrifices, subordinate members of which serve as their 'bases. This terminates the adhikarana of 'like the bases. The benefit to man results from thence, on account of scriptural statement; thus Badarayana thinks.

The conclusion therefore is that the Upakosalavidya and similar texts merely refer to that going of the soul which is common to all vidyas. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'non-restriction. This has been explained. It is neither coarse nor fine, and so on. Up. That which cannot be seen nor seized, &c.

Nor, on this view of the soul being non-divided from Brahman in so far as being its mode, is there any difficulty on account of what is said about the soul under Su. IV, 4, 8; or on account of the doctrines conveyed in II, 1, 22; III, 4, 8. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'non-division, on account of its being seen.

Only after having reached a yoni the soul, affected with a remnant of its works, obtains a new body, and only in a body there can be the enjoyment of pleasure and pain. When, therefore, previous to that the soul is said to reach ether, wind, and so on, this can only mean that it enters into conjunction with them. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'that animated by another soul.